About origamiUI

I started origamiUI with the goal of helping new designers develop the UI and visual design skills needed to land their first job. Since I blogged about going from an unrelated STEM field into landing a full time design gig, I've had a lot of people in similar positions reach out to me. One of the biggest problems I see new designers struggle with is UI design.

With that in mind - I hope to use to build educational UI kits and source files to help new designers learn the platform and tool specific nuances of design. 

This is still a bit of a work in progress - so feel free to email me (hi@origamiui.com) with feedback and suggestions on how I can improve these educational kits. For now while I'm figuring the best format for this - all products will be free or cheap!
Keep in mind these aren't what the final products will look like, its more of a teaser or demo for what's to come.